Why Choose GMK Kitchens?

  • There are many kitchen suppliers to choose from, so why should you use GMK Kitchens?

1. We are best installers of kitchen cupboards, BIC's, Wardrobes, Bathroom vanities & Book shelves.

2. Our construction experts are dedicated to completing your project (large or small) with quality results, on time, and within your budget.

3. GMK Kitchens is growing to be the world's number one kitchen installation company, setting the pace in the industry and creating employment along with our expansion.

4. We are to have factories in, Pretoria and Johannesburg that will make use of modern and constantly upgraded technology to ensure top quality components and value for money.

5. At GMK Kitchens we do not compromise on quality – we will only use first-grade materials unless a customer specifies that he/she wants the cheap materials; and we will offer a lifetime guarantee on Blum hinges and runners.

6. We will make sure that your entire GMK Kitchens experience is a pleasant one. We have planned to have fully equipped and stylish showrooms that will allow you easy choice of products and the opportunity to personally inspect our workmanship and quality. There you’ll find the widest range of finishes and accessories allowing you to create a kitchen suited to your needs.

7. Our professional and experienced sales staff will assist you with the layout of your GMK dream kitchen using state-of-the-art computer-aided design technology, to make sure that your dream kitchen becomes reality.

  • All of this boils down to one thing: we offer you simply the best kitchen creation experience over the world.


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